Abdu Subahan Mohammed, M.Sc. – Smart THz integration using III-V and silicon technologies (ESR 4)
Objectives: The purpose of this project is to enable smart approaches for core THz devices integration by investigation of new methods for packaging at mm-wave and THz frequencies. In this project, we target to develop smart integration of mm-wave and THz devices using laser-machined micro-packages, enabling ‘functional packaging’ at THz range. Core devices to be integrated here will be considering both III-V and silicon THz photonics devices This research work will mainly contribute to answering TERAOPTICS’ research Challenge III, IV and V. Expected Results: This project targeted outcome is the smart integration of core devices like photomixers and/or detection diodes/harmonic mixing diodes, the building blocks being compatible within several technologies (SiPho, InP, BiCMOS...). Planned secondment(s): to RAL (Prof. Peter Huggard), M12 for 2 months, for understanding metal waveguide cavity blocks using CNC technology to STM (Daniel Gloria), M18 for 2.5 months, to be trained on STM technology in semiconductor SiGE and SiPho technologies