Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Abdu Subahan Mohammed, M.Sc. – Smart THz integration using III-V and silicon technologies (ESR 4)
Abdu Subahan Mohammed is with University Lille

Abdu Subahan Mohammed, M.Sc. – Smart THz integration using III-V and silicon technologies (ESR 4)

Objectives: The purpose of this project is to enable smart approaches for core THz devices integration by investigation of new methods for packaging at mm-wave and THz frequencies. In this project, we target to develop smart integration of mm-wave and THz devices using laser-machined micro-packages, enabling ‘functional packaging’ at THz range. Core devices to be integrated here will be considering both III-V and silicon THz photonics devices This research work will mainly contribute to answering TERAOPTICS’ research Challenge III, IV and V. Expected Results: This project targeted outcome is the smart integration of core devices like photomixers and/or detection diodes/harmonic mixing diodes, the building blocks being compatible within several technologies (SiPho, InP, BiCMOS...). Planned secondment(s): to RAL (Prof. Peter Huggard), M12 for 2 months, for understanding metal waveguide cavity blocks using CNC technology to STM (Daniel Gloria), M18 for 2.5 months, to be trained on STM technology in semiconductor SiGE and SiPho technologies

WeiterlesenAbdu Subahan Mohammed, M.Sc. – Smart THz integration using III-V and silicon technologies (ESR 4)
Mehr über den Artikel erfahren Aritrio Bandyopadhyay, M.Sc. – Coherent and powerful generation using THz source arrays (ESR 3)
Aritrio Bandyopadhyay is with University of Lille

Aritrio Bandyopadhyay, M.Sc. – Coherent and powerful generation using THz source arrays (ESR 3)

Objectives: The purpose of this project is to develop THz sources tackling the actual power limitations within photomixers. This implies both arrayed structures to be developed at THz frequencies and coherent and stable dual-frequency lasers or frequency combs to feed these arrays to enhance the optical to THz conversion ratio. This research work will contribute to answering TERAOPTICS’ research Challenges I and V. The developed devices will be used to demonstrate wireless data links in the THz range. Expected Results: Powerful and stable THz sources for THz communications at 300 GHz - 1 THz Planned secondment(s): to UC3M (Prof. Guillermo Carpintero), M12 for ~ 1 month, for antenna arrays design to TRT (Dr. Daniel Dolfi), M24 for ~ 2 months, for dual laser to enable stable optical beat-notes to UCL (Prof. Cyril Renaud), M34 for ~ 2 months, system-level tests using III-V Photomixers in the THz communication test-benches (common work between UCL and ULIL partners)

WeiterlesenAritrio Bandyopadhyay, M.Sc. – Coherent and powerful generation using THz source arrays (ESR 3)